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About Systemic Constellations

Systemic (aka Family) Constellations is a dynamic mapping technique which was developed by Bert Hellinger during the 1950s and 60s as a result of his immersion in the ritual practices of the Zulu people. It is a way of gently revealing unconscious ties (known as ‘entanglements’) we hold with the fates of our ancestors and excluded members of our family system. Such ties can manifest in our lives as struggles in family dynamics, health, love, creativity, money, career and more.


The facilitator guides the client through an initial interview process to discern the key elements of the issue, before creating a dynamic map or 'constellation' using different representatives. As the constellation unfolds, the facilitator offers short, concise sentences to be spoken by the representatives or the client, to reveal hidden truths and thus bring movement, healing and insight to the problem. In group workshops, other attendees are invited to stand as representatives in service of the client's process. In one to one work, the client chooses objects, or visualises the map with guidance from the facilitator.


Family Constellations work is sometimes described as 'the shortest of short term therapy'; and is therefore more of a one time 'key' to help open new avenues for healing, or unlock insights that can lead to movement. For issues requiring ongoing support, such as complex trauma, therapy is also strongly recommended.


In coaching, systemic constellations can also be used to help us gain clarity in our sense of purpose and direction; attend to difficulties in workplace dynamics; and tap into ancestral resources that empower us to move forward with new projects or creative endeavours.

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